Card Printer Repair Services
ID Printer Diagnostic and Repair Services
Globotech’s technician trained and certified by the leading ID card printing manufacturers, our expert technicians are available to:
Perform routine maintenance
Install upgrades and/or replacement parts
Troubleshoot and repair problems to help extend your printer’s life
ID Card Printer Diagnostic Services
Printer diagnostic services include:
Trouble shooting your printer problem
A thorough printer cleaning
A firmware upgrade, when applicable
Minor repairs, at the technician’s discretion
If a detected malfunction is easily remedied by a minor repair – such as resetting a belt or the removal of inhibiting debris – our technicians will make the minor correction for you without additional cost. These corrections are made at our technician’s discretion.
If a more serious repair is necessary, parts and labor costs will be calculated and submitted for your approval before any further work is done. Parts generally require 7-10 days delivery and, depending on the extent of repair, 3-5 days for the work to be performed.
Diagnostic and Repair Rates
Diagnostic Fee: $125